Image Diff API

Last Revised: September 18th, 2024




input_typestringquerySpecifies the request content-type. Value must be one of 'json' or 'form'. - json: application/json - form: multipart/form-data
output_typestringquerySpecifies the type of output you receive in the response body. Value must be one of 'json' or 'png'. - json: (Content-Type: application/json) Same PNG you see on Diffchecker site for image diffs, but embedded in JSON as a data url - png: (Content-Type: image/png) Same PNG you see on Diffchecker site for image diffs
left_imagefile or stringbodyIf input_type=json: string containing data url of left image you want to diff (link) If input_type=form: file of left image you want to diff. Accepted file extensions include .png, .jpg, .jpeg
right_imagefile or stringbodyIf input_type=json: string containing data url of right image you want to diff (link) If input_type=form: file of right image you want to diff. Accepted file extensions include .png, .jpg, .jpeg


Form Input:
  curl --location --request POST '' \
  --form 'left_image=@"/Users/user_name/Documents/example-1.png"' \
  --form 'right_image=@"/Users/user_name/Documentsr/example-2.png"'
  JSON Input:
  curl --location --request POST '' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data-raw '{
    "left_image": <left image data url>,
    "right_image": <right image data url>,

JSON Responses


  "dataUrl": "..."